Z Michałem jako zewnętrznym Konsultantem pracowałem przy strategicznym projekcie w mojej organizacji przez ponad rok. Był to intensywny czas, kiedy wspólnie poszukiwaliśmy najlepszej drogi do dowiezienia naszego projektu i osiągniecia jego celów. Michał był bardzo zaangażowany i poświęcał nam tyle czasu ile potrzebowaliśmy. Dysponuje ogromną wiedzą i doświadczeniem, a jednocześnie jest świetnym obserwatorem, co pozwala mu stawiać trafne diagnozy dotyczące zarówno szans jak i potencjalnych ryzyk. Dla mnie osobiście czas współpracy z Michałem był okresem intensywnego rozwoju i budzenia świadomości, a Michał był dla mnie ogromnym wsparciem. Jest bardzo pozytywną, otwartą, szczerą osobą, budzi zaufanie i zawiązuje pozytywne relacje. W zasadzie nie traktowałem go jako Konsultanta, ale jak członka zespołu projektowego z potrzebną nam wiedzą i doświadczeniem.
Jeżeli nie wiecie jak zabrać się do prowadzenia projektów, Wasze projekty są niedowożone albo utykają, to szczerze polecam współpracę z Michałem!
PM & PMO Manager at ARC Europe Polska Michał pomagał wdrożyć w mojej firmie Social Elite narzędzie do zarządzania projektami i codzienną pracą zespołów. Już po pierwszych spotkaniach widziałem, że Michał ma duże kompetencje i doświadczenie w tym obszarze. Słuchał tego, co potrzebujemy i przewidywał też obszary, o których nie pomyśleliśmy, a na końcu sugerował nam lepsze rozwiązania. W jego pracy widać duże doświadczenie praktyczne i wiele zrealizowanych projektów. Michał w swojej pracy wykazuje się dużą inicjatywą i pomaga osób odpowiedzialnym za wdrożenie - sprawnie je przeprowadzić. Polecam każdej firmie, która chce wyeliminować chaos prac w firmie lub tym, które chcą wznieść zarządzanie procesami w firmie na wyższy poziom.
I’ve know Michał from three years. Cooperation with him is always an inspiring and challenging experience. He is highly goal-orientated person, who often looks for unobvious solutions, but he always tries to find solutions based on win-win approach. His agile project management and training skills are on a truly high level. Moreover, Michał’s very important strength is a logical and systemic way of thinking. Summarizing, if you have him on board, you can sleep well. He is an excellent person to work with.
Tomasz Krakowczyk
Change Management, Project & Programme Management, Leadership Development, Trainer&Consultant, Agility CoachI was very fortunate to meet Michal on my career path and working with him was an extraordinary experience. Michal is one of few persons who brought a fresh view on my work and significantly changed the way how I think. In my case this was mainly related to Agile, change management and personal development but any discussion with Michal shows that his knowledge reaches far beyond those topics. During several months Michal provided me with support working on customer projects. His knowledge of Agile was one of key factors to deliver the projects successfully and in line with customer’s expectations. With help of Michal I managed to implement Agile solutions for customers who were hesitant using Agile methodologies. Based on his experience Michal can suggest optimal solution to project management challenges. Michal has an unusual theoretical knowledge which he passionately implemented in several projects. This experience allows Michal to pick the best solution for project management challenges. Michal also supported implementation of a change which was impacting both internal team setup as well how we cooperate with the customer. Michal’s knowledge of change management allowed to overcome our team’s and customer’s initial reluctance. Michal helped to prepare a strategy how to implement the transformation. The customer and our teams were very pleased with the results. This was not the first attempt to change the way we work with the customer but thanks to Michal’s support this one was the most effective. Michal is also a very talented coach and I had a pleasure to participate in several training sessions held by Michal. His dedication and exceptional attitude made those sessions one of most efficient I’ve ever participated in. Michal is a very friendly person with a fantastic sense of humour. Working with Michal is both very enjoyable and developing experience. I can recommend anybody to work with Michal and use his broad knowledge and experience.
Krzysztof Nowakowski, PMP®
Senior Project Manager at Objectivity LtdMiałem doświadczenie z Michałem w dwóch rolach trenera i konsultanta - w obu polecam :) Jako trener jest perfekcyjnie przygotowany, materiały są bardzo dobrej jakości, prowadząc warsztaty angażuje uczestników, często odwołując się do konkretnych przykładów i doświadczeń (anonimizując oczywiście dane klienta), podaje mnóstwo źródeł, gdzie można poszerzyć wiedzę z danego tematu. W roli konsultanta pracowałem z Michałem osobiście: wspierał mnie w przeprowadzeniu zmiany organizacji pracy zespołów szkoleniowych oraz był mentorem dla mnie w roli Country Lead międzynarodowego projektu wdrożenia HRIS. W pracy konsultanta nie stosuje utartych schematów, jest elastyczny, ale challenge'uje do konkretów - szczególnie w kwestii celów i sensu wprowadzanej zmiany. Bardzo dbał o zaangażowanie zespołu do zmiany i wypracowania konkretnych rozwiązań, które adresowały zarówno potrzeby, jak bolączki. Rozwiązanie, na które się wspólnie zdecydowaliśmy do metodyka kanban. Mam przekonanie, że Michał swobodnie korzysta z olbrzymiego doświadczenia w zarządzaniu projektami, zmianami - niczego nie narzucając i jednocześnie asertywnie pokazując (znane z doświadczenia) konsekwencje, skutki potencjalnych, rozważanych rozwiązań. Co najważniejsze - wdrożenie nowych metod pracy przyniosło szereg pozytywnych efektów - zarówno związanych z zarządzanymi przez zespoły procesami, jak i w perspektywie ludzkiej: współpraca pomiędzy zespołami wzrosła diametralnie, zaangażowanie w realną wzajemną pomoc czy życzliwość. Michał bardzo dobrze poradził sobie z budowaniem zaufania wszystkich trzech zespołów, z którymi wtedy współpracował i mam poczucie, że wręcz został osobiście polubiany :) Serdecznie polecam współpracę z Michałem! :)
Paweł Noculak
Senior HR Business Partner w MAHLEMichal is a very creative and open-minded person, able to find a solution to the most complex problems. He can convince you to his ideas and simultaneously listen to your ideas and understand the other's point of view. Great project management skills. Excellent business coach, great presentation skills and ability to use modern it software. Privately good friend.
Tomasz Wrzesiewski
Project manager, PMO, Transformation manager, Trainer, Mentor, Customized solutionsI was very fortunate to work with Michal on a large software development project. And after working in software development for a number of years I considered myself very knowledgeable in Scrum and creating the right environment for teams to excel. However, Michal brought a new level of understanding and new techniques that added so much to the project. I have no hesitation in recommending him. An exceptionally talented consultant who can add real tangible value to your project.
Michael Grattan BSc PMP SA CSM
Professional Project Manager with 20 years’ experience delivering complex solutions and customer valueI had a pleasure to work with Michal over 3 years at the Objectivity Bespoke Software Specialists company collaborating on several projects delivery. Above all, I was (and I am still) particularly impressed by his ability to handle even the toughest clients—and effortlessly. That skill often takes years to develop among customer service professionals, but it seemed to come perfectly naturally to him.
Moreover, Michal has incredibly huge knowledge about Agile methodologies and as an Agile Coach, he helped me to seek unobvious solutions which saved the delivery in the hardest moments.
And, of course, his goal and task orientation ensures that every meeting will have a goal and end up with list of actions.
Michal would be a true asset for any positions requiring leadership and business orientation and comes with my heartfelt recommendation.
Edyta Kucharska
Programme Manager at PwCMichal is one of the most valuable person I met in my career. His deep understanding of Agile together with focus on business needs, gave our organisation and its customers great value for money. He gave me vision and tools I needed to achieve my teams goals. Always helping to challenge status quo and coached when needed. I’m looking forward to work together with Michal in future.
Kamil Orłowski
Engineering Manager w Ocado TechnologyI had a pleasure to work with Michal during several very demanding projects. He was always a great and positive contributor to our successes. His exceptional knowledge about Agile methodologies and frameworks helped to change our customer's approach to project delivery. He was main person/ coach/ mentor responsible for introduction of several critical improvements in company's most important accounts at the time which helped to boost efficiency, transparency and improved team's morale. I can say that he is not only a great manager but also a source of expertise knowledge which others can always refer to. I can recommend work with Michal with a clear conscience to anyone who is seeking for a true professional and needs to have things done.
Paweł Bożentka
IT Project Manager at NEL PMCI enjoyed working with Michał for over 2 years when he was an agile-coach. He lead with success implementation of Agile methodologies across a number of different delivery teams, helping the entire organization to eliminate waste and improve processes. Michał is highy talented and professional agile-coach and leader. He is very well organized, hard working and helpful person. When we worked together there was no such thing like 'I cannot' for him. He has always fought to find best possible solution for our team and the customer. I was especially impressed with his skills and confidence. Without any hesitation I can recommend him as a great professional.
Agnieszka Gregorczyk
Agile Program Manager w Ringier Axel Springer PolskaIf you want to focus on results and achieve your goals, Michał is the person who can help you with that.
Michał is a great choice to coach you to identify the expected characteristics of your systems and processes and create a plan to safely transform you and your business.
Michał is an experienced practitioner of Theory of Constraints and also a great coach to help you work with your habits.
I'm looking forward to work with Michał sometime in the future again.
Marcin Wydrzyński
Agile mindset helps me every dayI had a pleasure of working with Michal for the period of 8 months. During that time our main goal was to quickly ensure stable and quick delivery in the 5m£ /40FTE IT program. Customer was expecting from us almost max delivery since day 1. We had had to initially steer the teams and later moved into team self-organized mode. We didn't have time to allow the teams to self-constitute. That was extremely difficult task to eliminate the "bad" habits introduced consciously during initial stage of the project. Michal was an excellent change introduction consultant advising us in both modes. First speeding up delivery and later on changing the teams behaviour. He also provided us plenty of useful Agille project management tools introducing structure into our project life. I believe that without Michal we could have had more issues and do not reach the high bar of pace of delivery.
Wojciech Królikowski
Head of Delivery, Head of Account, Programme ManagerI know Michal since our first Agile project which took place over 10 year ago. Through all this time I can certainly say that Michal has all needed characteristics and skills that make him really valuable person to work with. But what is the most valuable thing we are looking in the person we would like work with? Definitely not the skills, because most of things we can learn from the grounds or improve. Also not the way how we think, because in so many situations we are wrong and this is why we are continuously better. But the character we cannot change, the character we build from setting and achieving a goals. In most situations character is more valuable than the achievement of the goal itself. If the life is our biggest project and our ability to handle this project challenges is a measure of our strong of character, I am absolutely sure that Michal is running this project in the right way. It was huge pleasure to have all those fire up discussions with Michal. Hope I will have the ability to work with Michal again somewhere in the future.
Sebastian Stulik
BI & Analytics, R&D, Team & Project Management, Agile, Process ImprovementsMichał jako konsultant prowadził projekt optymalizowania działań mojego zespołu w banku. Miałam okazję pracować przez kilka miesięcy i podsuwowując całość współpracy udało nam się!!!. Bardzo dużo zmieniliśmy począwszy od rutyn codziennych, celów indywidualnych i zespołowych po narzędzia, które wykorzystywaliśmy w naszej pracy. Michał mistrzowsko poprowadził nas od momentu "o co nam chodzi , tak naprawdę?" do momentu "wiemy po co to robimy i wiemy co mamy robić, żeby osiągnąć swój cel". Wszystko odbyło się w dobrej atmosferze, przy minimum poświęciania czasu na projekt w ciągu tygodnia. Otrzymywaliśmy zawsze super raporty po spotkaniach. Dobrze opisane, z wyjaśnianiem intencji i dużą dawką wiedzy.
Muszę przyznać, że również się bardzo dużo nauczyłam przy tym projekcie i jestem wdzięczna za tą wspólną pracę.
Dzięki Michał. Powodzenia!
Sylwia Michalska
HR&People Development Partner w Inteca